Share you story with MCM-TV.

McMinnville residents can submit programming for playback on MCM-TV cable channels for free. There is no maximum limit on the amount of submissions. McMinnville residents may also sponsor content from a producer that lives outside of McMinnville. If you are interested in this process, please contact our Community Services Producer at

To Submit a program:

Once you have decided to send in your program, click the link below to get started and fill out the form with the information about your program. We will need a copy of your video in order to program it into our system, we can accept your program in various forms, including YouTube links, physical media like USB drives or our online dropbox.

If you need to use our dropbox, we’ll send you a dropbox upload request within 24-48 hrs. You can then select the file from your computer, phone or tablet and upload. Or you can provide us with a youtube or download link if it’s already online.

MCM-TV Program contract submission form→

Digital File Format Information→

After we have received your program, MCM-TV staff will schedule it into our channel. If you have a specific requested time for your program to play, you can contact MCM-TV staff and we may be able to fulfill your request.

And that’s it! You are a television producer, sit back and wait for your show to play on TV!