I further warrant that I have adhered to MCM’s rules and procedures...
and any credits or underwriting announcements on my program conform to MCM’s underwriting guidelines.
By requesting that this program be cablecast by MCM, I understand that I, as program provider, assume all responsibility as producer, originator, author or distributor.
I agree, further, to the extent allowed by law, to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless McMinnville Community Media, the City of McMinnville, Comcast, Frontier, and any of their employees, officers, agents, or volunteers from any and all claims arising from the cablecast of the program submitted by me.
I am aware that Section 639 of the Federal Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 provides that:
Whoever transmits over any cable system any matter which is obscene or otherwise unprotected by the Constitution of the US shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
Unless otherwise indicated, MCM has my permission to make copies of my program for interested parties at MCM’s service rate, and to schedule my program additional times to meet channel needs. MCM may use portions of my program for promotional purposes.
These warranties and representations are made by me in order that this program be cablecast free of charge on MCM access channels. I accept full responsibility for the content of this program, and further warrant that I have the authority, as provider, to submit this program for cablecast. In signing this contract, the program provider warrants reading and understanding the above rules and procedures.
By filling in my name and address below I agree to the above and have filled out the form to the best of my knowledge.